BBC One Show
Working on a number of short films for BBC's One Show during 2022 and 2023. Shot on and off the Isle of Wight, the stories are small in scale but universal in appeal and have to pack their punch into a tight space. People Media UK are proud to find inspiring individuals and positive subjects that connect with the audience during these times of change and uncertainty.

Rumpy Pumpy!
This original stage musical, written and composed by Barbara Jane Mackie, has already had success on the stage. It is based on a true story of two elderly members of the Hampshire Women’s Institute who went on a worldwide search to find the perfect brothel. "Rumpy Pumpy! is a charming and very English comedy of manners with a good social conscience at its heart". Now a completed and commissioned feature film script looking for partners.
People Media UK was set up by Tony Steyger and Barbara Jane Mackie in 2021. Tony was co-founder of Maverick Television, produced Video Diaries and Teenage Diaries at the BBC and was Executive Producer of the feature film The Pugilist. Barbara developed Dangerfield, Dalziel & Pascoe and Bad Company at BBC Drama Birmingham and is looking for partners for her screenplays The Last Chance Mommas, Rumpy Pumpy! and the TV comedy drama Holes.